
/oh ah"hooh/, n.
an island in central Hawaii: third largest and most important island of the state; location of Honolulu. 630,528; 589 sq. mi. (1525 sq. km).

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Island (pop., 2000: 876,165) of Hawaii, U.S. Situated between the islands of Kauai and Molokai, it occupies 607 sq mi (1,574 sq km) and is the third largest and most densely populated of the Hawaiian Islands.

Of volcanic origin, it has two parallel mountain groups, the Koolau Range and Waianae Ranges, which are connected by a central plateau. It is the site of Honolulu, Pearl Harbor, and Waikiki. Military installations, tourism, pineapples, and sugar are important to its economy.

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Hawaiian  Oahu 
  island, Honolulu county, Hawaii, U.S. It is separated from the islands of Kauai (northwest) and Molokai (southeast) by the Kauai and Kaiwi channels, respectively. Oahu, which is of volcanic origin, is the third largest of the Hawaiian Islands, occupying an area of 597 square miles (1,546 square km), and supports the greatest number of people. Two parallel mountain groups, the Koolau (Koolau Range) and Waianae (Waianae Range) ranges, are connected by a central plateau.

 Tahitians established permanent settlements on Oahu about AD 500. In 1795 Kamehameha I, king of the island of Hawaii, conquered Oahu and united the Hawaiian Islands. In 1845 the royal capital was moved from Lahaina, on Maui, to Honolulu, on Oahu, which is now the state capital. By the late 19th century the monarchy was increasingly dominated by foreign interests. Queen Liliuokalani was overthrown in 1893 (she relates the tale in Hawaii's Story by Hawaii's Queen, 1898), and the island chain was annexed in 1898 by the United States. In the 20th century Oahu became the centre of the U.S. Pacific Fleet. Oahu is the site of Pearl Harbor (where Japanese forces staged their first attack against the United States in World War II), Waikiki (with its world-famous beaches), and the North Shore (known for surfing). Oahu's other notable sites include Hanauma Bay, part of Koko Head Regional Park, which is popular for snorkeling, and Diamond Head, an extinct volcano and distinctive landmark. In addition to Honolulu, important cities include Kailua (Kailua-Lanikai), Kaneohe, and Wahiawa. Military installations, tourism, and pineapples are economically significant. Honolulu is the seat of the main campus of the University of Hawaii (Hawaii, University of).

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