
nystagmic, adj.
/ni stag"meuhs/, n.
a congenital or acquired persistent, rapid, involuntary, and oscillatory movement of the eyeball, usually from side to side.
[1815-25; < NL < Gk nystagmós nodding, deriv. of nystázein to nod]

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      involuntary back and forth, up and down, or circular movements of the eyes (eye, human) that are often described by observers asjumpingordancingeye movements. One type of nystagmus, called pendular nystagmus, is characterized by even, smooth eye movements, whereas in the type referred to as jerk nystagmus the movements are sharper and quicker in one direction than in the other. Jerk nystagmus can occur normally, such as when one is dizzy (e.g., from spinning around in circles) or is watching objects pass by quickly from the window of a moving vehicle. Pathologic nystagmus may be present at or shortly after birth because of retinal (retina) or optic nerve abnormalities, cataracts (cataract), albinism, or a host of other conditions (sensory nystagmus). Alternatively, people can be born with nystagmus and no associated abnormalities of the eye (congenital motor nystagmus). Often there is a gaze or a head position that the affected individual adopts in which the nystagmus is least severe and visual acuity is optimized (called the null point).

      A subtype of nystagmus, called spasmus nutans, occurs in infants and is associated with head nodding and a twisted neck position ( torticollis). Acquired childhood or adult nystagmus may be caused by intracranial tumours (tumour) or other neurologic abnormalities, as well as certain vascular diseases, multiple sclerosis, drug intoxication, and metabolic disorders (metabolic disease). Treatment consists of correcting any underlying ocular or neurologic causes of the nystagmus, if possible. In congenital nystagmus, the involuntary eye movements may be lessened by eyeglasses fitted with prisms or possibly by surgery to change the resting position of the eyes. Many people with nystagmus function well and do not require treatment.

Daniel M. Albert David M. Gamm

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