nuclear magnetic resonance

nuclear magnetic resonance
the selective absorption of electromagnetic radiation by an atomic nucleus in the presence of a strong, static, magnetic field: used in research and in medicine to monitor tissue metabolism and to distinguish between normal and abnormal cells. Cf. MRI. Abbr.: NMR

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scientific technique

      selective absorption of very high-frequency radio waves by certain atomic nuclei that are subjected to an appropriately strong stationary magnetic field. This phenomenon was first observed in 1946 by the physicists Felix Bloch and Edward M. Purcell independently of each other. Nuclei in which at least one proton or one neutron is unpaired act like tiny magnets, and a strong magnetic field exerts a force that causes them to precess in somewhat the same way that the axes of spinning tops trace out cone-shaped surfaces while they precess in the Earth's gravitational field. When the natural frequency of the precessing nuclear magnets corresponds to the frequency of a weak external radio wave striking the material, energy is absorbed from the radio wave. This selective absorption, called resonance, may be produced either by tuning the natural frequency of the nuclear magnets to that of a weak radio wave of fixed frequency or by tuning the frequency of the weak radio wave to that of the nuclear magnets (determined by the strong constant external magnetic field). See also magnetic resonance.

      Nuclear magnetic resonance is used to measure nuclear magnetic moments, the characteristic magnetic behaviour of specific nuclei. Because these values are significantly modified by the immediate chemical environment, however, NMR measurements provide information about the molecular structure of various solids and liquids.

      By the early 1980s nuclear magnetic resonance techniques had begun to be used in medicine to visualize soft tissues of the body. This application of NMR, called magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), presented a hazard-free, noninvasive way to generate visual images of thin slices of the body by measuring the nuclear magnetic moments of ordinary hydrogen nuclei in the body's water and lipids (fats). NMR images show great sensitivity in differentiating between normal tissues and diseased or damaged ones. By the late 1980s MRI had proved superior to most other imaging techniques in providing images of the brain, heart, liver, kidneys, spleen, pancreas, breast, and other organs. MRI provides relatively high-contrast, variable-toned images that can show tumours, blood-starved tissues, and neural plaques resulting from multiple sclerosis. The technique presents no known health hazards, but it cannot be used on individuals who have cardiac pacemakers or certain other metal-containing devices implanted in their bodies.

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