
noter, n.
/noht/, n., v., noted, noting.
1. a brief record of something written down to assist the memory or for future reference.
2. notes, a record or outline of a speech, statement, testimony, etc., or of one's impressions of something.
3. an explanatory or critical comment, or a reference to some authority quoted, appended to a passage in a book or the like: a note on the origin of the phrase.
4. a brief written or printed statement giving particulars or information.
5. Library Science. additional information about a work, such as its special series or some other significant identification, included on the library catalog entry.
6. a short, informal letter: a thank-you note.
7. a formal diplomatic or official communication in writing: a note delivered by the ambassador.
8. a paper acknowledging a debt and promising payment; promissory note.
9. a certificate, as of a government or a bank, accepted as money.
10. eminence, distinction, or reputation: a man of note.
11. importance or consequence: few events of particular note.
12. notice, observation, or heed: to take note of warning signs; to be worthy of note.
13. a characteristic or distinguishing feature: a note of whimsy in the design of the house.
14. a mark, quality, or indication of something, esp. as a submerged but ubiquitous element: There was just a note of bitterness in his films.
15. a characteristic way of speaking or thinking: His critics had begun to change their note.
16. a signal, announcement, or intimation: a note of warning in her voice.
17. Music.
a. a sign or character used to represent a tone, its position and form indicating the pitch and duration of the tone.
b. a key, as of a piano.
18. a tone sounded on a musical instrument.
19. a musical sound or tone.
20. a melody, tune, or song.
21. a sound of musical quality, as one uttered by a bird: attentive to the thrush's note.
22. any call, cry, or sound of a bird, fowl, etc.
23. a new or unexpected element in a situation.
24. a mark or sign, as of punctuation, used in writing or printing.
25. compare notes, to exchange views, ideas, or impressions: The returning tourists were sitting on the sun deck comparing notes.
26. to write or mark down briefly; make a memorandum of: to note the places of interest.
27. to make particular mention of in a writing: She noted their extra efforts in her report.
28. to annotate.
29. to observe carefully; give attention or heed to: Note the fine brushwork in this painting.
30. to take notice of; perceive: We noted his concern at the announcement.
31. to set down in or furnish with musical notes.
32. to indicate or designate; signify; denote.
[1175-1225; (n.) ME ( < OF) < ML nota sign for musical tone, L: mark, sign, lettering; (v.) ME noten < OF noter to mark < L notare, deriv. of the n.]
Syn. 1. memorandum, minute. 3. commentary, annotation. See remark. 9. bill. 10. repute, celebrity, fame, renown, name. 26. register, record. 30. see, spot, remark. 32. mention.

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staff notation
      in the notation of Western music, sign indicating pitch by its position on the staff and showing duration by its shape. Notes evolved in the 13th century from neumes (q.v.), signs indicating relative or absolute pitch and nuance but not necessarily rhythm. The earliest notes were the longa, , and brevis, ˘; and their derivatives, the maxima, , and semibrevis, . In modern notation the brevis and semibrevis correspond to the double whole note, , and the whole note, . Other modern notes, in diminishing time value, are the half note, ; quarter note, ; eighth note, ; sixteenth note, ; thirty-second note, ; and sixty-fourth note, . Generally, music notation has favoured shorter note values in modern times.

      Note may also refer to a tone, the sound either produced by a singer or musical instrument or represented by a pitch name (such as G, or sol), a neume, or a written note.

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  • note — [ nɔt ] n. f. • XIIe; lat. nota I ♦ 1 ♦ Signe qui sert à caractériser un son par sa forme (durée du son) et par sa place sur la portée (hauteur du son). Notes de musique. Figures de notes : les différentes formes des notes exprimant leur durée… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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  • note — ► NOUN 1) a brief written record of facts, topics, or thoughts, used as an aid to memory. 2) a short written message or document. 3) Brit. a banknote. 4) a single tone of definite pitch made by a musical instrument or voice, or a symbol… …   English terms dictionary

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