normal school

normal school
(formerly) a school offering a two-year course and certification to high-school graduates preparing to be teachers, esp. elementary-school teachers. Cf. teachers college.

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also called  teachers college  or  teacher-training college 

      institution for the training of teachers. One of the first schools so named, the École Normale Supérieure (“Normal Superior School”), was established in Paris in 1794. Based on various German exemplars, the school was intended to serve as a model for other teacher-training schools. Later it became affiliated with the University of Paris.

      Normal schools were established chiefly to train elementary-school teachers for common schools (known as public schools in the United States). The first public normal school in the United States was founded in Lexington, Massachusetts, in 1839. Both public and privatenormalsinitially offered a two-year course beyond the secondary level, but in the 20th century teacher-training requirements were extended to a minimum of four years. By the 1930s most former public normal schools had evolved into teachers colleges, and by the 1950s they had become departments or schools of education within universities.

      This assimilation of the normal school parallels the halting elevation of teaching to the status of a profession over the last 150 years. The normal school represented a forward step over the monitorial system (the practice, in the 1800s, of assigning teaching responsibilities to the most deserving eighth-grade graduate). By the end of the 20th century, licensing requirements had stiffened considerably in public education, and salary increases and advancement often depended on the earning of advanced degrees and professional development in school-based settings.

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Universalium. 2010.

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  • normal school — nor′mal school n. edu a former school giving a two year program to high school graduates preparing to be teachers • Etymology: 1825–35 …   From formal English to slang

  • normal school — noun Etymology: translation of French école normale; from the fact that the first French school so named was intended to serve as a model Date: 1838 a usually 2 year school for training chiefly elementary teachers …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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