
/nun/, pron.
1. no one; not one: None of the members is going.
2. not any, as of something indicated: None of the pie is left. That is none of your business.
3. no part; nothing: I'll have none of your backtalk!
4. (used with a pl. v.) no or not any persons or things: I left three pies on the table and now there are none. None were left when I came.
5. to no extent; in no way; not at all: The supply is none too great.
6. Archaic. not any; no (usually used only before a vowel or h): Thou shalt have none other gods but me.
[bef. 900; ME non, OE nan, equiv. to ne not + an ONE]
Usage. Since NONE has the meanings "not one" and "not any," some insist that it always be treated as a singular and be followed by a singular verb: The rescue party searched for survivors, but none was found. However, NONE has been used with both singular and plural verbs since the 9th century. When the sense is "not any persons or things" (as in the example above), the plural is more common: ... none were found. Only when NONE is clearly intended to mean "not one" or "not any" is it followed by a singular verb: Of all my articles, none has received more acclaim than my latest one.
/nohn/, n.
[1175-1225; ME; OE non < L nona (hora) ninth (hour). See NOON]

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