
/nee'teuh roy"/, n.
a seaport in and the capital of Rio de Janeiro state, in SE Brazil. 291,970.
Also, Nictheroy.

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 city, Rio de Janeiro estado (state), eastern Brazil. It lies on the eastern side of the entrance to Guanabara Bay. The city of Rio de Janeiro on the opposite side is connected to Niterói by ferry, railroad, and, since 1974, the President Costa e Silva Bridge, spanning Guanabara Bay; this is one of the longest bridges in Brazil. Both cities are located on low ground at the heads of inlets, many of which indent the shores, with various sections separated by steep rocky ridges extending into the bay.

      Founded in 1671, the settlement became a village in 1819, with the name of Villa Real da Praia Grande. It was made the capital of Rio de Janeiro state in 1835, the year after the city of Rio de Janeiro and the Federal District were separated from Rio de Janeiro state. In 1836 it became a city and was renamed Niterói (or Nictheroy, from an Indian term meaninghidden water”). It lost its capital status temporarily in 18941903 to Petrópolis and permanently from 1975 to the city of Rio de Janeiro.

      Niterói is a residential suburb of the city of Rio de Janeiro and is well developed industrially. It is the site of Brazil's chief shipbuilding and ship-repair yards and has metal and machinery industries, pharmaceutical and food-processing plants, and textile mills. It is also the seat of the Fluminense Federal University (1960). Pop. (2005 est.) 474,000.

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Universalium. 2010.

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