night-blooming cereus

night-blooming cereus
any of various cacti of the genera Hylocereus, Peniocereus, Nyctocereus, or Selenicereus, having large, usually white flowers that open at night.

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also called  moonlight cactus 

      (genus Selenicereus), any member of a group of about 20 species of cacti in the family Cactaceae. The plants are native to tropical and subtropical America, including the West Indies. They are widely grown in suitable climates in Central and South America and have escaped from cultivation. The genus is known for its large, usually fragrant, night-blooming white flowers, which are among the largest in the cactus family. The queen-of-the-night (S. grandiflorus) is often grown indoors. Some species clamber along the ground; others cling with aerial roots to trees and other objects.

      The stems are ribbed, angled, or flattened. S. hamatus has backward-projecting lobes that help the plant cling to branches and other surfaces.

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Universalium. 2010.

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  • night-blooming cereus — noun Date: 1832 any of several night blooming cacti; especially a slender sprawling or climbing cactus (Selenicereus grandiflorus) often cultivated for its large showy fragrant white flowers …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • night-blooming cereus — night′ bloom ing ce′reus n. pln any of various cacti, as of the genera Hylocereus, Peniocereus, Nyctocereus, and Selenicereus, having large, usu. white flowers that open at night • Etymology: 1800–10 …   From formal English to slang

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