
/niv"euhl haym'/, n. Scand. Myth.
a place of eternal cold, darkness, and fog, ruled over by Hel: abode of those who die of illness or old age.
[ < ON Niflheimr, equiv. to nifl- (c. OE nifol darkness, OHG nebal mist, cloud, L nebula (see NEBULA)) + heimr world, HOME]

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Norse mythology
Old Norse  Niflheimr 

      in Norse mythology, the cold, dark, misty world of the dead, ruled by the goddess Hel. In some accounts it was the last of nine worlds, a place into which evil men passed after reaching the region of death (Hel). Situated below one of the roots of the world tree, Yggdrasill, Niflheim contained a well, Hvergelmir, from which many rivers flowed. In the Norse creation story, Niflheim was the misty region north of the void (Ginnungagap) in which the world was created.

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