
/nish"ee euhs/, n.
died 413 B.C., Athenian statesman and general.

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born с 470
died 413 BC, Sicily

Athenian leader.

He was renowned for his enormous wealth. Seeking to end the Peloponnesian War (431–404), in 421 he negotiated a 50-year alliance (the Peace of Nicias), which held for six years before the ambitions of Alcibiades led to renewed warfare. In 415 Nicias reluctantly shared command of a Sicilian expedition with Lamachus and Alcibiades. When Alcibiades was recalled and Lamachus died, Nicias, himself seriously ill, lost the advantage they had achieved in the siege of Syracuse; when he tried to escape, his troops were overwhelmed and he was captured and executed.

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▪ Greek artist
flourished 4th century BC

      Athenian painter who was noted for his skill in chiaroscuro (the depiction of form by means of light and shadow).

      Nicias was famous for his ability to make his figures stand out by means of chiaroscuro. He seems to have excelled in the depiction of female figures in dramatic situations. He was a younger contemporary of the sculptor Praxiteles and apparently painted in the details on some of the latter's statues. The Roman author Pliny the Elder relates that when Praxiteles was asked which of his works in marble he admired most, he replied, “Those which had been touched by the hands of Nicias.” Pliny also reports that King Ptolemy I of Egypt once offered Nicias a large sum of money for his painting of “Odysseus Questioning the Dead in the Underworld,” but that Nicias chose instead to make the painting a present to his native Athens. None of Nicias' original paintings still exists. Among those listed by Pliny are “Portrait of Alexander,” “Io,” and “Perseus and Andromeda.”

▪ Greek general

died 413 BC, Sicily [now in Italy]

      Athenian politician and general during the Peloponnesian War (431–404 BC) between Sparta and Athens. He was in charge of the Athenian forces engaged in the siege of Syracuse, Sicily, and the failure of the siege contributed greatly to the ultimate defeat of Athens.

      In the first 10 years of the conflict, Nicias proved his ability as a leader of offensive expeditions and in 421 negotiated the Peace of Nicias and an alliance with Sparta. The hostility of Sparta's allies and the opposition of the Athenian general Alcibiades, however, foiled Nicias' efforts to uphold the peace. Warfare was renewed, and in 415 Nicias reluctantly allowed himself to be appointed, with Alcibiades and Lamachus, leader of the Sicilian expedition.

      The recall of Alcibiades and the death of Lamachus left Nicias, although ill, in sole charge of the siege of Syracuse. The wall his forces attempted to build around Syracuse was not completed owing to the defenders' efforts. Nicias asked to be relieved of his command, but instead reinforcements under Demosthenes arrived early in 413. When these failed to reverse the situation, Demosthenes favoured the withdrawal of the Athenian army, but an eclipse of the Moon occurred on Aug. 27, 413, and the superstitious Nicias accepted his soothsayers' advice to delay setting out. The Syracusans soon afterward forced the surrender of the Athenian forces, including Nicias, whom they executed.

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