
/net"ing/, n.
any of various kinds of net fabric: fish netting; mosquito netting.
[1560-70; NET1 + -ING1]

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      in textiles, ancient method of constructing open fabrics by the crossing of cords, threads, yarns, or ropes so that their intersections are knotted or looped, forming a geometrically shaped mesh, or open space. Modern net fabrics are produced not only by the netting method but also by weaving, knitting, and crocheting and are usually machine-made. The meshes vary greatly in shape and size, and weights range from fine to coarse. Tulle is an extremely fine, soft net with hexagonal-shaped meshes, and bobbinet also has hexagonal meshes. Nets having square corners, with knots in each of the corners, are frequently used in fishing and are popular for curtains.

      Apparel and home-furnishing uses of nets include veils, hat shapes, dresses, curtains, and trimmings. Industrial applications include fishing and cargo nets.

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