
necropolitan /nek'reuh pol"i tn/, adj.
/neuh krop"euh lis, ne-/, n., pl. necropolises.
1. a cemetery, esp. one of large size and usually of an ancient city.
2. a historic or prehistoric burial ground.
[1810-20; < Gk nekrópolis burial place (lit., city of the dead). See NECRO-, -POLIS]

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(Greek: "city of the dead") Extensive and elaborate burial place serving an ancient city.

The locations of these cemeteries varied. Many in Egypt, such as the necropolis of western Thebes, were situated across the Nile River opposite the cities. In Greece and Rome a necropolis often lined the roads leading out of town. A necropolis was discovered in the 1940s under St. Peter's Basilica in Rome.

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(singular),plural  Necropolises, Necropoles, Necropoleis, or Necropoli 

      (from Greek nekropolis,city of the dead”), in archaeology, an extensive and elaborate burial place of an ancient city. In the Mediterranean world, they were customarily outside the city proper and often consisted of a number of cemeteries used at different times over a period of several centuries. The locations of these cemeteries were varied. In Egypt many, such as western Thebes, were situated across the Nile River opposite the cities, but in Greece and Rome a necropolis often lined the roads leading out of town. One of the most famous necropolises was discovered in the 1940s under the central nave of St. Peter's Basilica in Rome.

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