
/nahs"kah, -keuh/, adj.
of or pertaining to a pre-Incan culture of SW Peru, dating from c200 B.C., characterized by polychrome pottery and the employment of irrigation techniques in agriculture.
Also, Nasca.

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ancient South American culture
 culture located on the southern coast of present-day Peru during the Early Intermediate Period (c. 200 BCAD 600), so called from the Nazca Valley but including also the Pisco, Chincha, Ica, Palpa, and Acarí (Acarí, Río de) valleys. Nazca pottery is polychrome. Modeling was sometimes employed, particularly in the later phases; it is, however, rather simply done. In the polychrome painting it is not unusual for four or more colours to have been employed. Backgrounds are usually white or red, with designs outlined in black and filled in with various shades of red, orange, blue-gray, or purple. The designs are naturalistic (people, animals, birds, fish, plants) but quite stylized and often stiff or angular. Early Nazca pottery tends to be confined to either open bowl forms or double-spouted jars with flat bridge handles, and the painted designs are relatively uncomplicated and bold; the Late Nazca (Ica) style runs to other vessel forms, including some modeled effigies, and the designs incorporate more fine detail.

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