
/nahrdd"veuh/, n.
a city in NE Estonia: Swedish defeat of Russians 1700. 82,300.

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German  Narwa  

      city, Estonia. It lies along the Narva River, 9 miles (14 km) above the river's outflow into the Gulf of Finland. It was founded in the 13th century and quickly became a substantial commercial city. Occupied first by Russia (155881) and then by Sweden, it was important as the scene of Peter I the Great's defeat by the Swedes in 1700 and his subsequent victory, reconquering Narva for Russia, by means of a siege in 1704.

      Since the 1850s Narva has been a major cotton textile centre. It also manufactures jute and hemp products and furniture. It has a technical school and a historical museum. Pop. (2003 est.) 67,752.

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Universalium. 2010.

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