
/nah rddah"/, n.
1. a city on S Honshu, in central Japan: chief Buddhist center of ancient Japan; first capital of Japan A.D. 710-84. 297,893.
2. a period of Japanese history, A.D. 710-784, characterized by the adoption of Chinese culture and forms of government.

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  city, Nara ken (prefecture), southern Honshu, Japan. The city of Nara, the prefectural capital, is located in the hilly northeastern edge of the Nara Basin, 25 miles (40 km) east of Ōsaka. It was the national capital of Japan from 710 to 784when it was called Heijō-kyōand retains the atmosphere of ancient Japan. The city is most noted for the many ancient Japanese Buddhist buildings and artifacts in and around the city, including the Seven Great (and many ancient but lesser) Temples of Nara. The five-storied pagoda of the Kōfuku Temple dates from 710. The Tōdai Temple (745752) is noted for the Daibutsu, or Great Buddha, a giant statue about 50 feet (15 m) high that is housed in the Great Buddha hall, one of the largest wooden buildings in the world. The nearby Shōsō Repository (761), a log storehouse raised above the ground on stilts, was built to hold the thousands of 8th-century treasures of the Tōdai Temple. Its artwork and artifacts (now housed in fireproof concrete buildings) include jewels, musical instruments, masks, paintings, sculpture, samples of calligraphy, and household items. The Grand Shrine of Kasuga is one of Japan's oldest Shintō shrines. The Tōshōdai and Yakushi temples are also within Nara. The Hōryū Temple, at Ikaruga, southwest of the city, is Japan's oldest surviving temple, and its compound abounds with priceless paintings and carvings and some of the most ancient wooden buildings in the world. These ancient remnants of early Japanese civilization form the basis of Nara's tourism industry, which has wide appeal to foreigners as well as Japanese. Nara's status as a national cultural monument is reflected in a Japanese proverb:See Nara and die”; i.e., one can die content if one has seen Nara. The historic monuments at Nara were designated a UNESCO World Heritage site in 1998. The city is also a leading commercial and educational centre and has some manufacturing. Pop. (2005 prelim.) 370,106.

      ken (prefecture), southern Honshu, Japan. The prefecture occupies the central part of the Kii Peninsula. Its southern and northeastern portions are mountainous, while the northwest is composed of the lowland of the Nara Basin. The basin is separated from Ōsaka (west) by mountains and contains most of the prefecture's population, main cities, and transport facilities. Agriculture, including rice, wheat, flowers, and fruit, is centred in the Nara Basin. Traditional crafts are also a profitable industry in some parts. The basin contains many historic sites, chief among them the ancient city of Nara and its many associated Buddhist temples. Although it is one of the most historic areas of Japan, the Nara Basin is being increasingly drawn into the commercial and industrial orbit of Ōsaka. Area 1,425 square miles (3,692 square km). Pop. (1991 est.) 1,389,000.

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