
/nahonn terdd"/, n.
a city in and the capital of Hauts-de-Seine, in N France: W suburb of Paris. 96,004.

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ancient  Nemetodor , or (Latin)  Nemetodorum 

      town, Hauts-de-Seine département, Île-de-France région. Located on the east bank of a loop of the meandering Seine River and separated from Paris by the suburbs of Puteaux and Neuilly-sur-Seine, Nanterre was formerly a heavily industrialized, inner-city suburb with automobile, tire, food, and metal industries. Today much of this industry has disappeared as the town, which lies less than 3 miles (5 km) west of the Paris city limits, has been radically transformed. The centre has been renovated, a new administrative complex was built in the 1970s and 1980s, new residential areas and a large park (André Malraux Park) have been developed, and one of the capital's universities is located there. It has also become the site of the westward extension of the vast La Défense business district. The area is linked to the centre of Paris by the regional express railway. It is the traditional birthplace of St. Geneviève (c. AD 422500), patron saint of Paris, and is an episcopal see. Pop. (1999) 79,314; (2005 est.) 82,687.

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Universalium. 2010.

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