- Myron
/muy"reuhn/, n.1. fl. c450 B.C., Greek sculptor.2. a male given name: from a Greek word meaning "pleasant."
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died 440 BCGreek sculptor.An older contemporary of Phidias and Polyclitus, he was considered by the ancients one of the most versatile and innovative of all Attic sculptors. He was the first Greek sculptor to combine a mastery of movement with a gift for harmonious composition. Working almost exclusively in bronze, he is best known for his studies of athletes in action, particularly the Discus Thrower, с 450 BC.Discus Thrower, Roman marble copy of Greek bronze by Myron, с ...AlinariArt Resource* * *
▪ Greek sculptorborn c. 480, –440 BCGreek sculptor, an older contemporary of the sculptors Phidias and Polyclitus, considered by the ancients as one of the most versatile and innovative of all Attic sculptors.Myron was born in Eleutherae, a small town on the border between Attica and Bocotia, and lived most of his life in Athens. The 1st-century writer Pliny cites Myron as the first to achieve lifelike representation in art, but it would be more accurate to say that he was the first Greek sculptor to combine a mastery of movement with a gift for harmonious composition. Working almost exclusively in bronze, he was best known for his many studies of athletes in action. Of his many works, only two representations positively survive: the group of Athena and Marsyas, originally standing on the Acropolis of Athens, and the “Discobolos” (“Discus Thrower”), both in marble copies made in Roman times.The group of Athena and Marsyas, described by Pliny, exists in several Roman marble copies. The best version of the Marsyas is in the Lateran collection, Rome; of the Athena, in a collection in Frankfurt. The finest copy of the “Discobolos” is in the National Roman Museum (see photograph—>). Both the “Discobolos” and the Athena and Marsyas are dated about 450 BC. In both works Myron has captured that crucial moment of rest at which one motion has just been completed and another is about to begin. The “Discobolos,” for example, has just completed his backswing prior to hurling the discus.There are other works by Myron that have not, as yet, been rediscovered. The most famous of these are “Ladas,” which is the statue of an Argive runner and Olympic victor, and a bronze cow that stood in the marketplace of Athens.* * *
Universalium. 2010.