- Muscovite
/mus"keuh vuyt'/, n.1. a native or inhabitant of Moscow.2. a native or inhabitant of the Grand Duchy of Muscovy.3. (l.c.) Mineral. common light-colored mica, essentially KAl3Si3O10(OH)2, used as an electrical insulator.4. Archaic. a Russian.adj.5. of, pertaining to, or characteristic of Moscow, Muscovy, or the Muscovites.[1545-55; MUSCOV(Y) + -ITE1]
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It is the most common member of the mica group. Because it occurs in thin, transparent sheets, it was used in Russia for window panes and became known as Muscovy glass (isinglass), hence its name. Muscovite is usually colourless but may be light gray, brown, pale green, or rose red. Its low iron content makes it a good electrical and thermal insulator.* * *
▪ mineralalso called Common Mica, Potash Mica, or Isinglass,an abundant silicate mineral that contains potassium and aluminum. Muscovite is the most common member of the mica group. Because it occurs in thin, transparent sheets, it was used in Russia for window panes and became known as Muscovy glass (isinglass), hence its name. Muscovite typically occurs in metamorphic rocks, particularly gneisses and schists, where it forms crystals and plates. It also occurs in granites, in fine-grained sediments, and in some highly siliceous rocks. Large crystals of muscovite are often found in veins and pegmatites. One crystal mined near Nellore, India, measured 3 m (10 feet) in diameter and 5 m (15 feet) in length and weighed 85 tons.Muscovite is usually colourless but may be light grey, brown, pale green, or rose red in colour. The crystals are tabular with a hexagonal or pseudo-hexagonal outline; they are commonly lamellar and occur in aggregates. Muscovite is economically important because its low iron content makes it a good electrical and thermal insulator. Fine-grained muscovite is called sericite, or white mica. For chemical formula and detailed physical properties, see mica (table).* * *
Universalium. 2010.