
/myuun"steuhrdd/, n.
a city in NW Germany: treaty of Westphalia 1648. 246,300.

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Province (pop., 2002 prelim.: 1,101,266), southern Ireland.

It has an area of 9,315 sq mi (24,127 sq km). The region was ruled by a southern clan, which gradually extended its power over Munster by с AD 400. In the 10th century Vikings invaded and eventually settled in Waterford and Limerick. After the 12th-century Anglo-Norman invasion, it was ruled by the feudal families of Fitzgerald and Butler. It now comprises the counties of Clare, Cork, Kerry, Limerick, Tipperary (North Riding and South Riding), and Waterford.

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Old Irish  Muma 
    the southwestern province of Ireland, comprising the counties of Clare, Cork, Kerry, Limerick, Tipperary, and Waterford. It was historically one of thefifths” (ancient provinces, or kingdoms) of Ireland. Geographically, the area is divided by the Sliabh Luachra Mountains into Desmond to the south and Thomond to the north. The power of the kingdom originally lay in the south, where the ruling Érainn clan had their chief fortress at Temuir Érann in the Ballyhoura Hills. Inroads into northern Munster made by the neighbouring men of Leinster were fought off by a people known as the Eoghanachta, who became rulers of Munster from about AD 400. They later unsuccessfully challenged the Leinster high kings and in the 10th century failed to defend their own land against Viking raiders who settled in Waterford and Limerick. After the Anglo-Norman invasion of the mid-12th century, the feudal families of Fitzgerald, earls of Desmond, and of Butler, earls of Ormonde, became all-powerful in the province. Area 9,527 square miles (24,674 square km). Pop. (2002) 1,100,614; (2006) 1,173,340.

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