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multiple fission — n division of a cell into more than two parts compare BINARY FISSION * * * fission of a cell in which the cell divides into a number of daughter cells … Medical dictionary
multiple fission — noun : division of a cell into more than two parts compare binary fission * * * Biol. fission into more than two new organisms. Cf. binary fission. [1910 15] … Useful english dictionary
Fission (biology) — Binary fission in a prokaryote (e.g., a bacterium) In biology, fission is the subdivision of a cell (or body, population, or species) into two or more parts and the regeneration of those parts into separate cells (bodies, populations, or species) … Wikipedia
fission — 1. The act of splitting, e.g., amitotic division of a cell or its nucleus. 2. Splitting of the nucleus of an atom. [L. fissio, a cleaving, fr. findo, pp. fissus, to cleave] binary f. simple f. in which the two new cells are approximately equal in … Medical dictionary
fission — n. a method of asexual reproduction in which the body of a protozoan or bacterium splits into two equal parts (binary fission), as in the amoebae, or more than two equal parts (multiple fission), for example sporozoite formation in the malarial… … The new mediacal dictionary
Fission — is a splitting of something into two parts.Fission may refer to: *In physics, nuclear fission is a process where a large atomic nucleus (such as uranium) is split into two smaller nuclei *In biology, binary fission is the mitosis process whereby… … Wikipedia
binary fission — Biol. fission into two organisms approximately equal in size. Cf. multiple fission. [1895 1900] * * * ▪ cell division asexual reproduction by a separation of the body into two new bodies. In the process of binary fission, an organism… … Universalium
binary fission — noun : reproduction of a cell by division into two approximately equal parts the binary fission of protozoans * * * Biol. fission into two organisms approximately equal in size. Cf. multiple fission. [1895 1900] * * * binary fission noun… … Useful english dictionary
binary fission — n reproduction of a cell by division into two approximately equal parts compare MULTIPLE FISSION * * * fission of a cell in which the cell divides into two approximately equal daughter parts … Medical dictionary
Деление (Fission) — метод бесполого размножения, при котором тело простейших или бактерий разделяется на две равные части (бинарное деление (binary fission)), как, например, у амеб, или на несколько частей (более двух) (множественное деление (multiple fission)),… … Медицинские термины