
/moohv/, v., moved, moving, n.
1. to pass from one place or position to another.
2. to go from one place of residence to another: They moved from Tennessee to Texas.
3. to advance or progress: The red racing car moved into the lead.
4. to have a regular motion, as an implement or a machine; turn; revolve.
5. to sell or be sold: That new model is moving well.
6. to start off or leave: It's time to be moving.
7. to transfer a piece in a game, as chess or checkers.
8. (of the bowels) to discharge or eject the feces; evacuate.
9. to be active in a particular sphere: to move in musical society.
10. to take action; proceed.
11. to make a formal request, application, or proposal: to move for a new trial.
12. to change from one place or position to another.
13. to set or keep in motion.
14. to prompt, actuate, or impel to some action: What moved you to do this?
15. to arouse or excite the feelings or passions of; affect with emotion (usually fol. by to): to move someone to anger.
16. to affect with tender or compassionate emotion; touch: The tale of tragedy moved her.
17. to transfer (a piece in a game) from one position to another.
18. to dispose of (goods) by sale.
19. to cause (the bowels) to discharge or eject the feces.
20. to propose formally, as to a court or judge, or for consideration by a deliberative assembly.
21. to submit a formal request or proposal to (a court, a sovereign, etc.).
22. move in, to begin to occupy a place in which to live or work.
23. move in on, Informal.
a. to approach or make advances toward usurping another's success, authority, position, or the like.
b. to take aggressive steps to control or possess: The company has not yet moved in on the consumer market.
24. move on, to approach or attack as a military target: The army is moving on the capital itself.
25. move out, to leave a place in order to start or continue a planned march, maneuver, journey, etc.: The troops will move out of the encampment at dawn.
26. move over, to change or cause to change to another position, esp. to make room for another: to make space by moving over.
27. move up, to advance to a higher level.
28. an act or instance of moving; movement.
29. a change of location or residence.
30. an action toward an objective or goal; step: a move toward a higher tax.
31. (in chess, checkers, etc.) a player's right or turn to make a play.
32. a play or maneuver, as in a game or sport.
33. get a move on, Informal.
a. to begin; act: We'd better get a move on before it rains.
b. to hurry; hasten.
34. make one's move, Informal. to act, esp. to assert oneself at an opportune time.
35. on the move,
a. busy; active: on the move from morning till night.
b. going from place to place: Infantry units have been on the move all day.
c. advancing; progressing: an industry on the move.
36. put moves on, Slang. to make sexual advances toward. Also, make a move on.
[1200-50; ME meven, moven < AF mover L movere]
Syn. 1. stir, budge. See advance. 2. remove. 4. spin, gyrate, rotate, operate. 12. shift, transfer; propel. 13. agitate. 14. influence, induce, incite, instigate, lead. 28. See motion.
Ant. 12. fix.

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Universalium. 2010.

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