
Morphean, adj.
/mawr"fee euhs, -fyoohs/, n.
1. Class. Myth. a son of Hypnos and the god of dreams.
2. in the arms of Morpheus, asleep.
[1325-75; ME < L < Gk morph(é) form + L -eus n. suffix; coined by Ovid, with allusion to the forms seen in dreams]

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In Greek and Roman mythology, the god of dreams.

He was one of the sons of Hypnos (Somnus), god of sleep. Morpheus sent human shapes of all kinds to the dreamer, while his brothers Phobetor and Phantasus sent the forms of animals and inanimate objects.

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      in Greco-Roman mythology, one of the sons of Hypnos (Somnus), the god of sleep. Morpheus sends human shapes (Greek morphai) of all kinds to the dreamer, while his brothers Phobetor (or Icelus) and Phantasus send the forms of animals and inanimate things, respectively.

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