- Moral Re-Armament
/ree ahr"meuh meuhnt/a worldwide movement initiated by Frank Buchman in 1938 as a successor to the Oxford Group, and maintaining that the practice of high morality in public and private life is the key to world betterment. Abbr.: MRA
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▪ religious movementa modern, nondenominational revivalistic movement founded by U.S. churchman Frank N.D. Buchman (1878–1961). It sought to deepen the spiritual life of individuals and encouraged participants to continue as members of their own churches. Primarily a Protestant movement, it was criticized by some Roman Catholic authorities and praised by others.In 1922 Buchman resigned his position as lecturer in personal evangelism at the Hartford Seminary Foundation at Hartford, Conn., to “live by faith” and launch a worldwide evangelistic campaign based on God's guidance, moral absolutes, and the “life-changing” of individuals through personal work. He shifted operations to Princeton University, where he generated controversy by organizing student discussions that included public confessions on sexual matters; he left the university, as requested by the authorities, in the mid-1920s, though an investigatory committee later cleared him of any wrongdoing. He won influential support at the University of Oxford in England, and the movement gradually became known as the Oxford Group (not to be confused with the Oxford Movement).The movement held a series of increasingly successful conferences, which were often attended by thousands of people to whom it advanced its views, in England, The Netherlands, the United States, South Africa, and other countries. In 1938 the name of the movement was changed to Moral Re-Armament, and other steps were taken as part of a general attempt to widen its appeal to include all faiths. Buchman hoped that the world would avoid war if individuals experienced a moral and spiritual awakening.In its peak years after World War II, MRA sent “task forces” to all corners of the free world to carry on its program, in part through plays emphasizing cooperation, honesty, and mutual respect between opposing groups. It had headquarters and training centres at Mt. Kisco, N.Y., U.S.; Mackinac Island, Mich., U.S.; Caux, Switz.; and Odawara, Japan. MRA always showed much interest in converting the influential and the rich and steadfastly opposed Communism. Its theology was simple and conservative. It featured surrender to Jesus Christ and sharing with others whose lives have been changed in pursuit of four moral absolutes: purity, unselfishness, honesty, and love. The influence of the movement declined after the deaths of Buchman (1961) and his successor, Peter Howard (1965).* * *
Universalium. 2010.