
/moohn"fish'/, n., pl. (esp. collectively) moonfish, (esp. referring to two or more kinds or species) moonfishes.
1. Also called horsefish, horsehead. any of several silvery marine fishes of the genus Selene, having a very compressed body and inhabiting shallow coastal waters.
2. the opah.
3. any of various other rounded, silvery fishes.
[1640-50; MOON + FISH]

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Carangidae and Menidae
      any of several fishes of the order Perciformes, such as Vomer setapinnis of the family Carangidae, and Mene maculata, the sole member of the family Menidae.

      The carangid moonfish is thin, with an extremely deep body, a slender tail base, a forked tail, and slim, sickle-shaped pectoral fins. It is silver or golden in colour and grows to about 30 centimetres (12 inches). It inhabits the western Atlantic Ocean and, when young, is distinguished by long, threadlike rays extending from its dorsal and pelvic fins. Related species, also deep-bodied and called moonfish, are the Pacific Vomer declivifrons and the lookdown (Selene vomer) of the Atlantic and Pacific.

      The moonfish of the family Menidae is allied to the carangids. It is a thin Indo-Pacific fish with a very deep, sharp-edged chest, a long anal fin, a forked tail, and an extended, long ray in each pelvic fin. It is silvery with darker spots and grows to about 20 centimetres.

      Other fishes sometimes called moonfish include the opah, the platy, and the fingerfish (qq.v.).

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Universalium. 2010.

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