
/meuh nof"euh nee/, n., pl. monophonies.
1. a musical style employing a single melodic line without accompaniment.
2. monody (def. 3a).
[1885-90; MONO- + -PHONY]

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Music consisting of a single unaccompanied melodic line.

The concept often also includes melody that is accompanied by a drone or by drumming. Gregorian chant and Byzantine chant constitute the oldest written examples of monophonic repertory.

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      musical texture made up of a single unaccompanied melodic line. It is a basic element of virtually all musical cultures. Byzantine (Byzantine chant) and Gregorian chants (Gregorian chant) (the music of the medieval Eastern and Western churches, respectively) constitute the oldest written examples of monophonic repertory. In the later Middle Ages in Europe, the primarily secular songs of Provençal troubadours, French trouvères, and German minnesingers and meistersingers kept the tradition alive, although their performances often featured improvised accompaniment.

      Monophony is not to be confused with monody, a term reserved specifically for the accompanied solo song of the early 17th century, the so-called second practice initiated by the Florentine Camerata and perfected by the composer Claudio Monteverdi in a conscious effort to break with the vocal polyphony of the Renaissance era. Ironically, it was sacred polyphony in its highest manifestations (as by Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina) that modeled itself aesthetically upon the monophony of the Roman Catholic church with its continuous melodic rhythmic flow untainted by metrical intrusions of secular derivation.

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