
/mon"euh kawrd'/, n.
an acoustical instrument dating from antiquity, consisting of an oblong wooden sounding box, usually with a single string, used for the mathematical determination of musical intervals.
[1375-1425; late ME monocorde < ML monochordum < Gk monóchordon, n. use of neut. of monóchordos with one string. See MONO-, CHORD1]

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also spelled  manichord 

      musical instrument consisting of a single string stretched over a calibrated sound box and having a movable bridge. The string was held in place over the properly positioned bridge with one hand and plucked with a plectrum held in the other.

      The monochord was used in Greece by the 6th century BC as a scientific instrument for measuring musical intervals. Knowledge of the instrument was transmitted to medieval theorists by the 5th-century-AD philosopher Boethius; the first treatises on it date from the 10th century. By the 11th century it was used as a purely musical instrument. It was eventually modified by the addition of keys that at first marked off sounding lengths on the single string. Several strings were later used, and the instrument evolved into the clavichord by the late 14th century. The name monochord was often applied to the clavichord and later to the trumpet marine (a bowed, single-stringed instrument) and to one-stringed zithers of Southeast Asia, such as the Vietnamese dan bau. Monochords continued to be used as scientific and teaching tools and, as late as the 18th century, served as organ tuners' aids.

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