
/mon"i teuhr/ n.
1. a student appointed to assist in the conduct of a class or school, as to help take attendance or keep order.
2. a person appointed to supervise students, applicants, etc., taking an examination, chiefly to prevent cheating; proctor.
3. a person who admonishes, esp. with reference to conduct.
4. something that serves to remind or give warning.
5. a device or arrangement for observing, detecting, or recording the operation of a machine or system, esp. an automatic control system.
6. an instrument for detecting dangerous gases, radiation, etc.
7. Radio and Television.
a. a receiving apparatus used in a control room, esp. to provide a steady check of the quality of an audio or video transmission.
b. a similar apparatus placed in various parts of a studio so that an audience can watch a recorded portion of a show, the performer can see the various segments of a program, etc.
c. any such receiving apparatus used in a closed-circuit system, as in an operating room.
8. Computers.
a. a component, as a CRT, with a screen for viewing data at a computer terminal.
b. a control program. Cf. operating system.
c. a group of systems used to measure the performance of a computer system.
9. Naut.
a. a former U.S. steam-propelled, armored warship of very low freeboard, having one or more turrets and used for coastal defense.
b. (cap., italics) the first of such warships, used against the Confederate ironclad warship Merrimac at Hampton Roads, Va., in 1862.
10. a raised construction straddling the ridge of a roof and having windows or louvers for lighting or ventilating a building, as a factory or warehouse.
11. an articulated mounting for a nozzle, usually mechanically operated, which permits a stream of water to be played in any desired direction, as in firefighting or hydraulic mining.
12. Also called giant. (in hydraulic mining) a nozzle for dislodging and breaking up placer deposits with a jet of water.
13. any of various large lizards of the family Varanidae, of Africa, southern Asia, the East Indies, and Australia, fabled to give warning of the presence of crocodiles: several species are endangered.
14. Radio and Television.
a. to listen to (transmitted signals) on a receiving set in order to check the quality of the transmission.
b. to view or listen to (television or radio transmissions) in order to check the quality of the video or audio.
c. to listen to (a radio conversation or channel); keep tuned to.
15. to observe, record, or detect (an operation or condition) with instruments that have no effect upon the operation or condition.
16. to oversee, supervise, or regulate: to monitor the administering of a test.
17. to watch closely for purposes of control, surveillance, etc.; keep track of; check continually: to monitor one's eating habits.
18. to serve as a monitor, detector, supervisor, etc.
[1540-50; < L: prompter, adviser, equiv. to moni-, var. s. of monere to remind, advise, warn + -tor -TOR]

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Ironclad warship originally designed for use in shallow harbours and rivers to blockade the Confederate states in the American Civil War.

The original ironclad, built by John Ericsson, was named Monitor Its innovative design included minimal exposure above the waterline, a heavily armoured deck and hull, and a revolving gun turret. The inconclusive Battle of the Monitor and Merrimack (1862) was the first between ironclad warships. Never seaworthy, the Monitor sank during a gale off Cape Hatteras that same year, but the U.S. Navy built many improved monitors during the war. The British navy kept its monitors in service as late as World War II.
(as used in expressions)
Christian Science Monitor The
Monitor and Merrimack Battle of the

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      any lizard of the genera Varanus or Lanthanotus in the family Varanidae. About 50 species of Varanus are recognized in the subfamily Varaninae. Most have an elongated head and neck, a relatively heavy body, a long tail, and well-developed legs. Their tongues are long, forked, and snakelike. They are found in Africa south of the Sahara, through southern and southeastern Asia, in Australia, and on islands in the southwestern Pacific.

      The smallest monitor attains a full length of only 20 cm (8 inches); however, several species grow to great size and length. Examples of large monitor species include the Komodo dragon (V. komodoensis) of Indonesia, the largest of all lizards, which grows to a length of 3 metres (10 feet); the two-banded, or water, monitor (V. salvator) of Southeast Asia, which grows to 2.7 metres (9 feet); and the perentie (V. giganteus) of central Australia, which grows to 2.4 metres (8 feet). Partial fossils (fossil) of Megalania prisca, an extinct Australian monitor that lived during the Pleistocene Epoch, suggest that it exceeded 7 metres (23 feet) in length and likely weighed nearly 600 kg (about 1,300 pounds). All Varanus species except V. olivaceus are carnivorous and often consume large insects (insect) and spiders (spider), other lizards, small mammals, and birds. V. komodoensis is known to capture much larger prey such as water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis). V. olivaceus eats fruits in addition to animal prey.

      The earless monitor (L. borneensis), a rare and little-known lizard native to Borneo, is the only species in the subfamily Lanthanotinae. It too is elongate with a relatively long neck, but the limbs are small. It grows to a length of 40 cm (16 inches).

Laurie Vitt

ship type
  ironclad warship originally designed for use in shallow harbours and rivers to blockade the Confederate states in the American Civil War (186165).

      Built by the Swedish engineer John Ericsson (Ericsson, John) for the U.S. Navy, the original vessel of this type was namedMonitor.” Remarkably engineered, it contained over 40 inventions entitled to basic patents. Essential features of its design included its minimal exposure above the waterline (making it hard to hit) and its protection from enemy firefive inches of armour plate in the hull and one inch in the deck. The need to aim the guns when the ship could not be manoeuvred, as in a harbour, led to the development of the revolving turret. Swivelled by steam power, the turret ofMonitorcontained two 11-inch (280-millimetre) cannons; its turret box was covered with 8 inches of armour.

      On March 9, 1862, “Monitorengaged the Confederate ironcladVirginia” (originally namedMerrimack”) in a dramatic, though inconclusive, battle that attracted international attention and resulted in construction of many similar vessels for the U.S. Navy. The originalMonitor,” however, was never seaworthy. En route from New York to Chesapeake Bay for the famous battle, it almost sank twice. Putting to sea again in December 1862, it went down off Cape Hatteras with a loss of 4 officers and 12 men.

      Many improved monitors were built during the American Civil War and used by the U.S. Navy with mixed results. Though quite effective against other vessels and, hence, valuable in maintaining the blockade, monitors were not very effective in attacking fortified harbours.

      For many years the U.S. Navy (United States Navy, The) retained monitors of the Civil War type. In the 1890s, six were built with two turrets each. Four monitors commissioned in 1902 and 1903, each carrying two 12-inch (305-millimetre) guns, were the last U.S. Navy monitors. After being used as submarine tenders in World War I, they were scrapped in 1922.

      The British Navy (Royal Navy, The) also adopted monitors. In 1915 and 1916 large monitors mounting 15- and 18-inch guns were built for use along the Belgian coast, in the Dardanelles, in the Suez Canal, and in the Adriatic Sea. For World War II the British Navy built monitors mounting two 15-inch guns. The Russian and Romanian navies used small, shallow-draft monitors as river gunboats. After 1945 both the French and the U.S. navies in Vietnam used landing craft with improvised armour and armament that were known as monitors.

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