
/mon"euh geuhn, -han'/, n.
a county in the NE Republic of Ireland. 51,174; 498 sq. mi. (1290 sq. km). Co. seat: Monaghan.

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Irish  Muineachán (Place of Thickets) 

      one of the three counties of Ireland forming part of the historic province of Ulster, projecting northward into Northern Ireland. Most of the county's northern boundary winds through cultivated lowlands except on Slieve Beagh, a desolate upland rising to 1,221 feet (372 metres). For many miles the boundary with Northern Ireland runs along the River Blackwater (Blackwater, River).

      Three main regions may be distinguished: the Slieve Beagh plateau in the north; the lowland Monaghan corridor from the Erne Valley to the Lough (Lake) Neagh Basin, an important route; and, to the south, the Silurian hill country rising to more than 1,000 feet (300 metres). The whole landscape is dominated by drumlins (drumlin), long oval mounds that give the lowland corridor a highly complicated drainage pattern. There are numerous small lakes and peat flats, the relics of former lakes and ponds. Similar drumlins and waters are found in the Silurian hill country.

      Farms in Monaghan are generally small and cultivation is intensive. By tradition it is a flax-growing county, though little has been grown since World War II. Important agricultural products include hay, oats, and potatoes, and cattle rearing and dairying are still important sources of income. Carrickmacross lace production is world-famous. Toward the end of the 20th century the county's industrial base grew, and manufactures include computer software, furniture, and plastics. The main economic strength of the county's small towns and villages is retail trade and monthly fairs. The noted Irish poet Patrick Kavanagh (Kavanagh, Patrick) was a native of the town of Inniskeen. The county council meets at Monaghan town. Carrickmacross, Castleblayney, Clones, and Monaghan are urban districts.

      Monaghan was part of an ancient kingdom of Oriel, formed in AD 330, which also included Louth and Armagh. The Anglo-Norman advance in the 13th century broke up Oriel, but Monaghan remained dominated by the MacMahons and lay outside the main area of Anglo-Norman influence. In 1589 a large area came under the English crown, and two years later the county was divided into estates between seven MacMahons and a McKenna. Monaghan was not therefore included in the later plantation of Ulster. Area 500 square miles (1,295 square km). Pop. (2002) 52,593.

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