
/mohd"n euh/; It. /maw"de nah/, n.
a city in N Italy, NW of Bologna. 178,959.

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City (pop., 2001 prelim.: 175,442), Emilia-Romagna region, northern Italy.

It lies between the Secchia and Panaro rivers, northwest of Bologna. An ancient Etruscan city, it was made a Roman colony in 183 BC. It was attacked and pillaged by the Huns under Attila and later by the Lombards. It passed to the house of Este in 1288. It was taken by France in 1796 and made part of Napoleon's kingdom of Italy in 1805. It reverted to Este rule in 1815 before joining unified Italy in 1860. The automobile industry is important to its economy; it is also an agricultural market centre. Sites of interest include the 11th-century cathedral and the university (founded 1175).

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Latin  Mutina 
 city, Emilia-Romagna regione, northern Italy. It lies between the Secchia and Panaro rivers, northwest of Bologna. Modena was the Mutina of the Boii, a Celtic people, and was subdued by the Romans about 218 BC, becoming a Roman colony on the Via Aemilia in 183 BC. It was attacked and ruined by the Huns under Attila and by the Lombards and was restored at the end of the 9th century under the direction of its bishop (later archbishop). As a dependency of the house of Canossa and later as a free commune, it was the scene of violent conflicts between the Guelf and Ghibelline (papal and imperial) factions until it passed to the house of Este in 1288; it became a duchy in 1452 and the Este capital after their loss of Ferrara in 1598. After internal difficulties under the reactionary policies of the last Este rulers, the representatives of Modena declared it part of the kingdom of Italy in 1859, a decision confirmed by the plebiscite of 1860.

      The old city's fortified walls, now converted to promenades, give it a pentagonal shape. Notable buildings include the cathedral, begun in 1099 in Romanesque style on the site of earlier structures and celebrated for its sculptural decoration; the bell tower (Torre Ghirlandina), completed in 1319, the symbol of the city; and the imposing ducal palace (begun 1634), now a military academy. The Palazzo dei Musei houses the municipal collections, including the Este Gallery and Museum (rich in Renaissance paintings) and the Este Library, noted for its collection of illuminated manuscripts. The picture collection was given by Francesco V in 1869; the library, established by the Este family in Ferrara in 1393, was moved to Modena in 1598. Modena also has a university, founded in 1175.

      The modern city, which includes residential and industrial areas, extends outward from the city walls. The automobile industry is most important; and there are metalworks, cast-iron and light-alloy foundries, and machine industries. An agricultural centre, Modena has a busy cattle market and leatherwork factories. Pop. (2006 est.) mun., 180,469.

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Universalium. 2010.

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