
/nes"euh kleez'/, n.
Greek architect of the 5th century B.C.

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Greek architect
also spelled  Mnesikles  
flourished 5th century BC

      Greek architect known (from Plutarch) to have been the designer of the Propylaea, or the entrance gateway to the Acropolis at Athens.

      The only entranceway to the Acropolis at its western end, the Propylaea was built of Pentelic marble, with some details of black Eleusian stone. Construction was begun in 437 BC but was halted in 431 BC with the outbreak of the Peloponnesian War. Several scholars have theorized that Mnesiclesa contemporary of Pericles, Phidias, Ictinus, and Callicrateswas the architect (otherwise unknown) of the Erechtheum. The suggestion is made on the basis of Mnesicles' fine design of the Propylaea and on his success in adjusting the design to the slope of the Acropolis. The architect of thesplit-levelErechtheum handled a difficult design in much the same way as did Mnesicles in the Propylaea.

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Universalium. 2010.

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