
/mee strddannl"/ for 1; /mees trddahl"/ for 2, n.
1. Frédéric /frdday day rddeek"/, 1830-1914, French Provençal poet: Nobel prize 1904.
2. Gabriela /gah'vrddee e"lah/, (Lucila Godoy Alcayaga), 1889-1957, Chilean poet and educator: Nobel prize for literature 1945.

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also spelled  Maestrale,  

      cold and dry, strong wind in southern France that blows down from the north along the lower Rhône River valley toward the Mediterranean Sea. It may blow continuously for several days at a time, attain velocities of about 100 km (60 miles) per hour, and reach to a height of 2 to 3 km. It is strongest and most frequent in winter, and it sometimes causes considerable damage to crops. The velocity of the wind is intensified as it blows down from the highlands to the coast and by thejet effectthat results as it is funneled through the narrow Rhône valley.

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