
/mi shee"meuh/; Japn. /mee"shee mah'/, n.
Yukio /yooh"kee oh'/; Japn. /yooh"kee aw'/, (Kimitake Hiraoka), 1925-70, Japanese novelist and playwright.

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      city, Shizuoka ken (prefecture), Honshu, Japan. It is situated on the Izu Peninsula at the western foot of Mount Hakone. In early historic times it was the capital of Izu province (now part of Shizuoka prefecture), and at the beginning of the Tokugawa period (16031867) it became a major post town on the Tōkaidō (Eastern Sea Highway). The city's scenic spots include the well-known Mishima Shrine with its beautiful landscaped gardens.

      Mishima is now an important railway and highway hub, serving as the gateway to many of the spas on the Izu Peninsula, such as Nagaoka and Shuzenji. Dairy cattle are raised in the surrounding area, and there are several dairy-processing plants in the city. Abundant groundwater fed by Mount Fuji has attracted many other manufactures to the city, including paper, machinery, textiles, and rubber. Pop. (2005) 112,241.

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