
/min"yeuhn/, Class. Myth.
1. descended from Minyas.
2. being or pertaining to a gray, wheel-thrown pottery produced in ancient Greece during the early part of the Helladic period, c2000 B.C.
3. Minyans. Also, Minyae /min"yee/. the descendants of Minyas who inhabited Orchomenus in Boeotia and Iolcus in Thessaly.

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(Hebrew:number”),plural  Minyanim, or Minyans,  

      in Judaism, the minimum number of males (10) required to constitute a representativecommunity of Israelfor liturgical purposes. A Jewish boy of 13 may form part of the quorum after his Bar Mitzvah (religious adulthood). When a minyan is lacking for synagogue services, those who have gathered merely recite their prayers as private individuals. There is thus no public reading from the Torah (first five books of the Bible) and no Hafṭarah (selection from the prophetic books of the Bible). Such invocations as the Kaddish and qedusha are likewise omitted, for none of these is considered appropriate unless theJewish communityprays as one.

      Similarly, the recital of the seven benedictions (shevaʿ berakhot) at a wedding and their repetition on the seven succeeding days require a minyanwith one new member participating each day. During grace after meals, “Our Godis inserted into the introductory invitation when a minyan is present, indicating again that the prayer is communal rather than private. In cases of necessity, a boy nearing his Bar Mitzvah is sometimes counted as the 10th male member. Reform and Conservative Judaism have modified the custom by allowing women to complete a minyan.

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  • MINYAN — (Heb. מִנְיָן; number ), designation for the quorum of ten male adults, aged 13 years or over, necessary for public synagogue service and certain other religious ceremonies. The Talmud (Ber. 21b; Meg. 23b) derives this number from the term edah ( …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • minyan — [min′yən, min yän′] n. pl. minyanim [min΄yä nēm′] or minyans [MHeb minyan < TalmudHeb, orig., number, quantity < root mnh, to number, count] a properly constituted group for a public Jewish prayer service, made up of at least ten Jewish… …   English World dictionary

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  • Minyan — This article is about the term in Judaism. For other meanings, see Minyan (disambiguation). Minyan Halakhic texts relating to this article: Torah: Leviticus 22:32 Mishnah: Megillah 4:3 …   Wikipedia

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  • minyan — Seph. /meen yahn /; Ashk., Eng. /min yeuhn/, n., pl. minyanim Seph. /meen yah neem /; Ashk. /min yaw nim/, Eng. minyans. Hebrew. 1. the number of persons required by Jewish law to be present to conduct a communal religious service, traditionally… …   Universalium

  • Minyan — Miniane Dans le judaïsme, le miniane est le quorum de dix hommes adultes nécessaire à la récitation des prières les plus importantes de tout office ou de toute cérémonie (circoncision, mariage, deuil... ) : tout garçon ayant fait sa Bar… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • minyan — noun (plural minyanim or yans) Etymology: Hebrew minyān, literally, number, count Date: 1753 the quorum required for Jewish communal worship that consists of ten male adults in Orthodox Judaism and usually ten adults of either sex in Conservative …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • minyan — [ mɪnjən] noun (plural minyanim mɪnjənɪm) a quorum of ten men over the age of 13 required for traditional Jewish public worship. Origin C18: from Heb. minyān, lit. reckoning …   English new terms dictionary

  • minyan —    a traditional Hebrew unit of quantity equal to 10, the number of males aged 13 or over required for a Jewish worship service. (In many modern congregations, both males and females can be included in a minyan.) …   Dictionary of units of measurement

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