
/min"euh sing'euhr/, n.
one of a class of German lyric poets and singers of the 12th, 13th, and 14th centuries.
[1815-25; < G, equiv. to Minne love + Singer singer]

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(from German, Minne: "love") Any of certain German poet-musicians, с 1150–с 1325, parallel to the troubadours and trouvères.

Like their French counterparts, the minnesingers' subjects were not limited to love but also included politics and ethics. Originally members of the high nobility, minnesingers later came from the emerging middle class and had an economic as well as social interest in singing. Walther von der Vogelweide, Neidhardt von Reuental (с 1180–с 1250), and Tannhäuser were among the most famous of the minnesingers.

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▪ German poet-musician
German  Minnesänger  or  Minnesinger 

      any of certain German poet-musicians of the 12th and 13th centuries. In the usage of these poets themselves, the term Minnesang denoted only songs dealing with courtly love (Minne); it has come to be applied to the entire poetic-musical body, Sprüche (political, moral, and religious song) as well as Minnesang.

      The songs of courtly love, like the concept, came to Germany either directly from Provence or through northern France. The minnesingers, like their Romance counterparts, the troubadours and trouvères, usually composed both words and music and performed their songs in open court, so that their art stood in an immediate relationship to their public. Some were of humble birth; at the other end of the social scale were men such as the emperor Henry VI, son of Frederick I Barbarossa. Most, however, were ministeriales, or members of the lower nobility, who depended on court patronage for their livelihood; from the vicissitudes of such an existence come many of the motifs in their poetry.

      In form the music follows, in the main, the tripartite structure taken over from the Provençal canso: two identical sections, called individually Stollen and collectively Aufgesang, and a third section, or Abgesang (the terms derive from the later meistersingers); the formal ratio between Aufgesang and Abgesang is variable. The basic aab pattern was subject to much variation (see Bar form).

      On a larger scale was the Leich, analogous to the French lai (q.v.). It was an aggregation of short stanzas (versicles), typically couplets, each line of which was sung to the same music and each versicle having its own music. The Leiche were often several hundred lines long, and many incorporated religious motifs (such as the veneration of the Virgin Mary), which are also found in the shorter lyrics. Musical unity in both the Leich and the shorter forms was often achieved by the recurrence and variation of brief motifs or even entire phrases.

      Some of the early songs were probably sung to troubadour melodies, because their texts closely resemble Provençal models. Yet the German songs, in the main, differ in general musical character from the Romance songs. For example, the melodies are more often basically pentatonic (based on a five-tone scale). Popular song and Gregorian chant are other musical roots of the style.

      The poems of the earliest minnesinger known by name, Kürenberger (Kürenberger, Der) (fl. 1160), show only a tint of the troubadour, for his realistic verses show a proud, imperious knight with a woman pining for his love. But by the end of the century the courtly love themes of the troubadours and trouvères had taken control. In the 12th century the poetry of the Thuringian Heinrich Von Morungen is marked by intensity of feeling and moral involvement, and the Alsatian Reinmar the Elder (Reinmar von Hagenau) gives the courtly love lyric such an expression of social ideals that he was taken by his contemporaries as the most representative poet of “pure” Minnesang.

       Walther Von Der Vogelweide, one of the greatest lyric poets of the European Middle Ages, absorbed much of his teacher Reinmar's craftsmanship, but he went far beyond the artificial conventions with which the Minnesang had been governed by introducing an element of practical realism, both in his love poetry and in his Sprüche. By the time of Neidhart von Reuenthal, a Bavarian squire (d. c. 1250), the knight had turned his attention from the ladies of the castle to the wenches of the villages; Neidhart's melodies likewise have a certain affinity with folk song.

      Whereas poets like Ulrich von Lichtenstein strove to keep the conceits of chivalry alive, others—among them Reinmar von Zweter, the Marner, and Konrad von Würzburg (mid-13th century)—cultivated didactic poetry, which Walther von der Vogelweide, building on the work of earlier poets, had already raised to a high level. At the end of the 13th century stands Frauenlob (Heinrich von Meissen), who, by his versatility, his power of rhetoric, and his technical refinement, points to the stylized art of the later meistersingers.

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