
/min"euh/, n.
a female given name.

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      town, capital of Niger state, west-central Nigeria. Following the opening of the Kano-to-Baro railway (1911) and the extension of the Lagos-to-Jebba line (1915) to a junction in Minna, the town became a major collecting point for agricultural products, including peanuts (groundnuts), cotton, yams, and shea nuts. These remain its most important exports, but pigs are also shipped by rail to Lagos. Local trade among the predominantly Gbari (Gwari) population is mainly in sorghum, yams, corn (maize), millet, peanuts, cotton, shea nuts, tobacco, indigo, kola nuts, cattle, goats, chickens, and guinea fowl. The town is known for its woven and dyed cotton cloth, raffia mats and baskets, pottery, and brass ware. Modern industry includes a brick-making plant. There is a marble quarry nearby. Since becoming the capital of Niger state in 1976, Minna has developed as an administrative centre as well. It has teacher-training colleges and a hospital. It is also the radio broadcasting centre for the state and is a hub for local roads serving the southern part of the state. Minna is part of the Chanchaga local government area. Pop. (2006) local government area, 201,429.

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