
/meen/, n.
air, bearing, or demeanor, as showing character, feeling, etc.: a man of noble mien.
[1505-15; prob. aph. var. of obs. demean bearing, DEMEAN2; spelled with -ie- to distinguish it from MEAN2]
Syn. appearance, look; carriage.

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also spelled  Mian,  also called  Iu Mien,  (in China)  Yao,  (in Vietnam)  Dao,  Zao,  or  Man 

      peoples of southern China and Southeast Asia. In the early 21st century, they numbered some 2,700,000 in China, more than 350,000 in Vietnam, some 40,000 in Thailand, and approximately 20,000 in Laos. Several thousand Mien refugees from Laos have also settled in North America, Australia, and France. Mien peoples speak dialects of the Hmong-Mien languages. In some areas, such as on Hainan Island, Mien are sometimes considered to be Hmong ( Miao).

      In China most Mien live in Guangxi province, with smaller numbers in Hunan, Yunnan, Guizhou, and Guangdong provinces. In China and Southeast Asia, Mien are primarily upland dwellers who traditionally practiced slash-and-burn agriculture. By the end of the 20th century, however, even upland-dwelling Mien were mainly practicing some form of settled agriculture. Some Mien, especially those in China's Guangdong province, have long traditions of living in lowland areas and growing wet, or irrigated, rice.

      Mien society is organized around a clan structure that enables individuals living in very dispersed areas to have a sense of kinship. Traditional religion shows strong similarities to Chinese Taoism (Daoism). The god Pan Ku (Ban Gu) is an important focus of traditional beliefs; according to legend, he delivered the head of an enemy to a monarch and was awarded a princess for a wife; from this union the Mien descended. Mien priests, who are always male, mediate between the human and the supernatural worlds, using texts written in a distinctive adaptation of Chinese writing. This form of literacy distinguishes the Mien from the many upland peoples in southern China and Southeast Asia who have no premodern literate tradition.

      Mien art, especially religious paintings and elaborately embroidered women's clothing, have attracted strong interest from scholars and collectors. Mien living outside Asia have formed a number of organizations that promote their culture.

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