- midge
/mij/, n.1. any of numerous minute dipterous insects, esp. of the family Chironomidae, somewhat resembling a mosquito. Cf. gnat (def. 1).2. a tiny person.[bef. 900; ME mygge, OE mycg(e); c. G Mücke, ON my; akin to Gk myîa, L musca fly]
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Any of a group of tiny dipterans, sometimes called gnats and classified as nonbiting (family Chironomidae), biting (family Ceratopogonidae), or gall (family Cecidomyiidae) midges.Nonbiting midges resemble mosquitoes but are harmless. Humming swarms can be found around water in late afternoon. The often blood-red, aquatic larvae (bloodworms) are important food for aquatic animals. Biting midges (no-see-ums) are the smallest bloodsucking insect (about 0.04 in., or 1 mm, long). Punkies or sand flies (genera Culicoides and Leptoconops) attack humans but do not transmit disease; many species attack other insects. Gall-midge larvae cause tissue swellings (galls) in plants.Midge (Chironomidae)N.A. Callow/EB Inc.* * *
▪ insectany of a group of tiny two-winged flies (order Diptera) that superficially resemble mosquitoes. Although they resemble mosquitoes, midges are harmless, with small mouthparts that are not elongated into a piercing structure for blood feeding. They do not have scales on wings or body and the pattern of wing veins differs from that of mosquitoes. The male antennae are feathery. Midges are usually found around ponds or streams in late afternoon and evening in swarms that produce a humming sound. Midges may breed in water or manure or under tree bark.Midges are sometimes used in biotic indexes of water quality assessment. Their presence, when ephemeroptera (mayflies), plecoptera (stone flies), and trichoptera (caddis flies) are absent or rare, generally is considered an indication of poor water quality.The tiny wormlike aquatic larvae, soft-bodied and often bloodred, are commonly known as bloodworms (bloodworm). They are important food for aquatic animals, especially trout and young salmon. The nonbiting midge is related to the biting midge, which is in the family Cecidomyiidae (Itonididae); see gall midge.* * *
Universalium. 2010.