
metrological /me'treuh loj"i keuhl/, adj.metrologically, adv.metrologist, n.
/mi trol"euh jee/, n., pl. metrologies.
the science of weights and measures.
[1810-20; METRO-1 + -LOGY]

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Science of measurement.

Measuring a quantity means establishing its ratio to another fixed quantity of the same kind, known as the unit of that kind of quantity. A unit is an abstract idea, defined either by reference to a randomly chosen material standard or to a natural phenomenon. For example, the metre, the standard of length in the metric system, was formerly defined (1889–1960) by the separation of two lines on a particular metal bar, but it is now defined as the distance traveled by light in a vacuum in 1/299,792,458 second. See also International System of Units.

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      the science of measurement. From three fundamental quantities, length, mass, and time, all other mechanical quantities—e.g., area, volume, acceleration, and power—can be derived. A comprehensive system of practical measurement should include at least three other bases, taking in the measurement of electromagnetic quantities, of temperature, and of intensity of radiation—e.g., light.

      Accordingly, the 11th General Conference of Weights and Measures in 1960 adopted six quantities and units as the bases on which was established the International System of Units. Since 1887 many national standards laboratories have been founded to set up and maintain standards of measurement, both for the six basic quantities and for their systematic derivatives. They also do attendant test and verification work for science and industry. Examples are the National Bureau of Standards (NBS) in the United States (now known as the National Institute of Standards and Technology; NIST), the National Physical Laboratory (NPL) in the United Kingdom, and similar bodies in many other countries. The international metric organization created by the Metric Convention of 1875 (amended in 1921) also has a central laboratory, the International Bureau of Weights and Measures, at Sèvres (near Paris). It has duties analogous to those of the national laboratories but is concerned especially with the international coordination of all scientific work relating to the maintenance and improvement of the metric system of units and standards. This organization acts under the authority of the General Conference of Weights and Measures with the aid of an elected executive body, the International Committee of Weights and Measures, which meets every year.

      Measuring a quantity means ascertaining its ratio to some other fixed quantity of the same kind, known as the unit of that kind of quantity. A unit is an abstract conception, defined either by reference to some arbitrary material standard or to natural phenomena. For example, the standard of length in the metric system was defined (1889–1960) by the separation of two lines on a particular metal bar, but it is now defined as equal to the distance traveled by light in a vacuum in a certain period of time (see metre).

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