
/mes"ij/, n.
1. a communication containing some information, news, advice, request, or the like, sent by messenger, radio, telephone, or other means.
2. an official communication, as from a chief executive to a legislative body: the President's message to Congress.
3. the inspired utterance of a prophet or sage.
4. Computers. one or more words taken as a unit.
5. the point, moral, or meaning of a gesture, utterance, novel, motion picture, etc.
6. get the message, Informal. to understand or comprehend, esp. to infer the correct meaning from circumstances, hints, etc.: If we don't invite him to the party, maybe he'll get the message.
[1250-1300; ME < OF < VL *missaticum, equiv. to L miss(us) sent (ptp. of mittere to send) + -aticum -AGE]

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  • message — [ mesaʒ ] n. m. • fin XIe; « envoyé » jusqu au XVe; de l a. fr. mes, lat. missus, p. p. de mittere « envoyer » 1 ♦ Charge de dire, de transmettre qqch. ⇒ ambassade, commission. S acquitter d un message. Ambassadeur chargé d un message. « un… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • message — Ⅰ. message UK US /ˈmesɪdʒ/ noun [C] ► COMMUNICATIONS a short piece of information that you give or send to a person when you cannot speak to them directly: message from sb for sb »There was a message for you from the catering company. message… …   Financial and business terms

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  • message — MESSAGE. s. m. Charge, commission de dire quelque chose. Vous vous estes chargé d un mauvais, d un fascheux message. voulez vous mander quelque chose? je feray vostre message. je feray mon message moy mesme. c est luy qui portoit les messages. il …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

  • message — [mes′ij] n. [OFr < ML missaticum < pp. of L mittere, to send: see MISSION] 1. a communication passed or sent by speech, in writing, by signals, etc. 2. a formal, official communication [the President s message to Congress] 3. a) an inspired …   English World dictionary

  • Message — Mes sage (?; 48), n. [F., fr. LL. missaticum, fr. L. mittere, missum, to send. See {Mission}, and cf. {Messenger}.] 1. Any notice, word, or communication, written or verbal, sent from one person to another. [1913 Webster] Ehud said, I have a… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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