
/meuh rang"/, n.
1. a delicate, frothy mixture made with beaten egg whites and sugar or hot syrup, and browned, used as a topping for pies, pastry, etc.
2. a pastry or pastry shell made by baking such a mixture, sometimes filled with fruit, whipped cream, etc.
[1700-10; < F méringue; perh. to be identified with dial. (Walloon) maringue shepherd's loaf, marinde food for an outdoor repast ( < L merenda light afternoon meal, prob. fem. ger. of merere to MERIT, such a meal being part of a laborer's wages), though certain evidence is lacking; assoc. with the town of Meiringen (Bern canton, Switzerland) is solely by folk etym.]

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      mixture of stiffly beaten egg whites and sugar that is used in confections and desserts. The invention of meringue in 1720 is attributed to a Swiss pastry cook named Gasparini. Meringues are eaten as small “kisses” or as cases and toppings for fruits, ice cream, puddings, and the like. Shapes are piped onto a baking sheet through a pastry bag and dried out thoroughly in a slow oven. They are not ordinarily browned but remain an ivory colour. Vacherins and schaumtorten are plain meringue shells; dacquoise is a meringue with ground nuts and cornstarch added. Italian meringue, in which the sugar takes the form of a hot syrup, is used to cover puddings and ice creams. In the United States, a soft, moist meringue is used to top pies, especially lemon cream. Another famous American meringue dessert is the baked Alaska. A hard-frozen block of ice cream is placed on a layer of spongecake, and the whole is covered with uncooked meringue. The meringue is quickly browned in a hot oven and the dish served immediately, so that the meringue is warm but the ice cream is still frozen.

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  • meringue — [mə raŋ′] n. [Fr < ?] 1. egg whites mixed with sugar, beaten until stiff, spread over pies, cakes, etc., and often browned in the oven 2. a baked shell made of this mixture, often filled with fruit or ice cream …   English World dictionary

  • Meringue — This article is about the dessert. For the Dominican folk dance and music, see Merengue (dance). For the Haitian folk music, see Méringue. Meringue with whipped cream …   Wikipedia

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  • Méringue — This article is about the Haitian folk music. For the dessert, see Meringue. For the Dominican folk dance and music, see Merengue (dance). For other uses, see Merengue. Music of Haiti General topics Related articles Genres …   Wikipedia

  • méringue — /may rang /, n., v.i., méringued, méringuing. merengue. [ < F < Haitian Creole] * * * ▪ food       mixture of stiffly beaten egg whites and sugar that is used in confections and desserts. The invention of meringue in 1720 is attributed to a Swiss …   Universalium

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