
/mel"euh dee/, n.
a female given name.

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Rhythmic succession of single tones organized as an aesthetic whole.

The melody is often the highest line in a musical composition. Melodies may suggest their own harmony or counterpoint. As fundamental as rhythm and metre (and more so than harmony), melody is common to all musical cultures.

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      in music, the aesthetic product of a given succession of pitches in musical time, implying rhythmically ordered movement from pitch to pitch. Melody in Western music by the late 19th century was considered to be the surface of a group of harmonies. The top tone of a chord became a melody tone; chords were chosen for their colour and sense of direction relative to each other and were spaced so that a desired succession of tones lay on top. Any melody, then, had underlying chords that could be deduced. Thus, a good guitarist, analyzing mentally, can apply chords to a melody.

      But melody is far older than harmony. The single line of melody was highly developede.g., in medieval European and Byzantine plainchant, in the melodies of the trouvères and troubadours, and in the ragas and maqāmāt (melody types (melody type)) of Indian and Arab music. Combining several lines of melody at once is polyphony; varying a melody in different ways in simultaneous performance is heterophony; combining melody and chords is homophony.

      A melodic line has several characteristics that, taken together, describe it:

      1. It has contour, an overall line that rises, falls, arches, undulates, or moves in any other characteristic way. For example, the first line ofMy Bonnie Lies Over the Oceanrises with a leap, then descends more or less stepwise. Melodic motion may be disjunct, using leaps, or conjunct, moving by steps; motion helps form the melody's contour.

      2. Melody also has range: it occupies a certain space within the spectrum of pitches the human ear can perceive. Some primitive melodies have a range of two notes; the soprano solo in theKyrie Eleisonof Mozart's Mass in C Minor (K. 427) has a range of two octaves.

      3. It has a scale. In musically sophisticated cultures, scales are formally recognized as systems of tones from which melody can be built. Melody, however, antedates the concept of scale. Scales may be abstracted from their melodies by listing the tones used in order of pitch. The intervals of a melody's scale contribute to its overall character. When children sing the ditty found throughout Europe, “It's raining, it's pouring” (ggeage), they sing a melody that uses a scale of three tones; two intervals are used, a wide one (minor third) and a narrow one (major second). The harmonic minor scale of western Europe contains an interval not found in the major scalean augmented second, as A♭Bwhich contributes to the distinctive quality of many minor melodies. African and European melodies sometimes consist of chains of intervals, e.g., of thirds or fourths.

      Composers and improvisers draw from a number of melodic resources:

      1. A theme is a melody that is not necessarily complete in itself except when designed for a set of variations but is recognizable as a pregnant phrase or clause. A fugue subject is a theme; the expositions and episodes of a sonata are groups of themes.

      2. Figures or motives, small fragments of a theme, are grouped into new melodies in thedevelopmentof a sonata. In a fugue, they carry on the music when the subject and countersubject are silent.

      3. In a sequence, a figure or group of chords is repeated at different levels of pitch.

      4. Ornaments, or graces (small melodic devices such as grace notes, appoggiaturas, trills, slides, tremolo, and slight deviations from standard pitch), may be used to embellish a melody. Melodic ornamentation is present in most European music and is essential to Indian, Arabic, Japanese, and much other non-Western music.

      Some musical systems have complex formulaic structures called modes or melody types with which melodies are built.

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