Meissner effect

Meissner effect
/muys"neuhr/, Physics.
the loss of magnetism that a superconductor displays when cooled to its transition temperature in a magnetic field.
[after German physicist Fritz Walther Meissner (1882-1974), who contributed to a description of the effect in 1933]

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      the expulsion of a magnetic field from the interior of a material that is in the process of becoming a superconductor, that is, losing its resistance to the flow of electrical currents when cooled below a certain temperature, called the transition temperature, usually close to absolute zero. The Meissner effect, a property of all superconductors, was discovered by the German physicists W. Meissner and R. Ochsenfeld in 1933.

      As a superconductor in a magnetic field is cooled to the temperature at which it abruptly loses electrical resistance, all or part of the magnetic field within the material is expelled. Relatively weak magnetic fields are entirely repulsed from the interior of all superconductors except for a surface layer about one-millionth of an inch thick. The external magnetic field may be made so strong, however, that it prevents a transition to the superconducting state, and the Meissner effect does not occur.

      Generally, ranges of intermediate magnetic-field strengths, which are present during cooling, produce a partial Meissner effect as the original field is reduced within the material but not wholly expelled. Some superconductors, called type I (tin and mercury, for example), can be made to exhibit a complete Meissner effect by eliminating various chemical impurities and physical imperfections and by choosing proper geometrical shape and size. Other superconductors, called type II (vanadium and niobium, for example), exhibit only a partial Meissner effect at intermediate magnetic-field strengths no matter what their geometrical shape or size. Type II superconductors show decreasing expulsion of the magnetic field as its strength increases until they abruptly cease being superconductors in relatively strong magnetic fields.

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Universalium. 2010.

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