
/may"fair'/, n.
a fashionable neighborhood in London, England, E of Hyde Park.

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neighbourhood, London, United Kingdom
      neighbourhood of the City of Westminster (Westminster, City of), London. Mayfair extends east of Hyde Park, south of St. Marylebone (Saint Marylebone), and north of Green Park. It is a fashionable district that includes the most important retail shopping activity in the United Kingdom.

      From Oxford Street its main shopping concentration stretches southward along Regent Street and the Quadrant to Piccadilly Circus and then turns right (west) along Piccadilly; northward branches extend along Sackville Street and Savile Row, where eminent tailors make some of the world's finest men's clothing. Just alongside Burlington House is one of London's most luxurious shopping areas, the Burlington Arcade, which has housed shops under its glass-roofed promenade since 1819. Parallel and a little farther west, Bond Street, with its long-established art auctioneers and exclusive boutiques, is a magnet for lavish spenders from around the world.

      Archaeological excavations at Mayfair have shown that the area was a junction of Roman roads, which has led some researchers to postulate that Romans settled the area before establishing Londinium (now London). Mayfair was developed from the mid-17th century, and its proximity to St. James's Palace (Saint James) made it a fashionable neighbourhood. Outstanding among Mayfair's museums and galleries are the Museum of Mankind, which is administratively part of the British Museum, and the 18th- and 19th-century Burlington House, which is the home of the Royal Academy of Arts (1768), the Royal Astronomical Society (1820), the British Astronomical Association (1890), the Society of Antiquaries of London (1707), the Linnean Society of London (1788), the Geological Society (1807), and other learned societies.

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  • Mayfair — …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Mayfair —  • Latitud 51.508755  • Longitud 0.14743 …   Wikipedia Español

  • Mayfair — (spr. mēfǟr), ein Stadtteil Londons, zum Bezirk Westminster gehörig, im O. des Hyde Park, einer der Hauptsitze des fashionabeln Lebens, verdankt seinen Namen einem im 17. Jahrh. an der Stelle abgehaltenen »Maimarkt« …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

  • Mayfair — (spr. mehfähr), vornehmer Stadtteil Londons östl. vom Hydepark …   Kleines Konversations-Lexikon

  • Mayfair —   [ meɪfeə], Wohnviertel in London, England, im Stadtbezirk (London Borough) City of Westminster, östlich vom Hydepark; Grundriss mit geradlinigen Straßen und quadratischen Plätzen aus der georgianischen Periode (18. Jahrhundert); zahlreiche… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Mayfair — fashionable district of London, developed 18c., built on Brook fields, where an annual May fair had been held 17c …   Etymology dictionary

  • Mayfair — [mā′fer΄] exclusive residential district of the West End, London …   English World dictionary

  • Mayfair — For other uses, see Mayfair (disambiguation). Coordinates: 51°30′32″N 0°08′51″W / 51.508755°N 0.14743°W / 51.508755; 0.14743 …   Wikipedia

  • Mayfair — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Mayfair (homonymie). Mayfair Bond Street Géographie …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Mayfair — noun a) An annual two week long fair that took place in central London between 1686 and 1764.<!Note: OED has Mayfair , with citations; Wikipedia has May Fair b) An area of central London named after this fair …   Wiktionary

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