Mauna Kea

Mauna Kea
/mow"neuh kay"euh, maw"neuh kee"euh/
a dormant volcano on the island of Hawaii. 13,784 ft. (4201 m).

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Dormant volcano, north-central Hawaii island, Hawaii, U.S. Rising to 13,796 ft (4,205 m), it is the highest point in the state and is the chief feature of a state park occupying 500 acres (202 hectares).

Its name means "white mountain," referring to its snowcapped peak. Its dome is 30 mi (48 km) across and is the site of a major astronomical observatory. The volcano's lava flows have buried the southern slopes of the Kohala Mountains to the northwest, and its own western and southern slopes are covered with lava from its neighbour, Mauna Loa.

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      dormant volcano, north-central Hawaii island, Hawaii, U.S. The focus of a state forest preserve, it is the highest point in the state (13,796 feet [4,205 metres] above sea level). Mauna Kea (Hawaiian:White Mountain”), which last erupted about 4,500 years ago, is often snowcapped. Its dome is 30 miles (50 km) across, with numerous cinder cones, and is the site of a major astronomical observatory. Lava flows from Mauna Kea have buried the southern slopes of the Kohala Mountains (to the northwest), whereas its own western and southern slopes are covered with lava from Mauna Loa, its still-active neighbour. During the Ice Age a glacier about 250 feet (75 metres) thick covered the peak and formed Lake Waiau (the only alpine lake in the Hawaiian Islands) at 13,020 feet (3,970 metres). Several caves at heights of more than 12,000 feet (3,500 metres) have been discovered. There ancient Hawaiians quarried the basalt they used for adzes and other cutting tools. An extensive military training area is located on the slopes of Mauna Kea and extends to Mauna Loa.

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