
/mah"tay, mat"ay, mah tay"/, n.
1. a tealike South American beverage made from the dried leaves of an evergreen tree.
2. a South American tree, Ilex paraguariensis, that is the source of this beverage.
3. the dried leaves of this tree. Also, mate. Also called Paraguay tea, yerba maté.
[1710-20; < AmerSp mate, orig. the vessel in which the herb is steeped < Quechua mati]

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or yerba maté

Stimulating tealike beverage, popular in many South American countries, brewed from the dried leaves of an evergreen shrub or tree (Ilex paraguariensis) related to holly.

It contains caffeine and tannin but is less astringent than tea. To brew maté, the dried leaves (yerba) are placed in dried hollow gourds (matés or culhas) decorated with silver and covered with boiling water and steeped. The tea is sucked from the gourd with a tube, often made of silver, with a strainer at one end to catch leaf particles. Though usually served plain, maté is sometimes flavored with milk, sugar, or lemon juice.

Silver vessel for the preparation and serving of maté; in a private collection.

Librairie Larousse

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also called  Yerba Maté, Paraguay Tea, or Brazilian Tea,  

      tealike beverage, popular in many South American countries, brewed from the dried leaves of an evergreen shrub or tree (Ilex paraguariensis) related to holly. It is a stimulating drink, greenish in colour, containing caffeine and tannin, and is less astringent than tea.

      Although maté is an ancient Indian beverage, the plant, growing wild in Paraguay and southern Brazil, was first cultivated by Jesuit missionaries. In the wild state the plant becomes a round-headed tree; under cultivation, which improves the quality of the brew, it remains a small, multi-stemmed shrub, requiring a minimum of two years between harvests for regrowth.

      Drying methods vary. In Brazil the leafy branches are placed on a six-foot square of beaten earth, called a tatacua, and a fire is kindled around the area, providing preliminary roasting; the branches are next heated on an arch of poles over a fire; and the dried leaves, placed in pits in the earth, are ground into coarse powder, producing a maté called caa gazu, or yerva do polos. In Paraguay and parts of Argentina the leaves, with midribs removed before roasting, are made into a maté called caa-míri. Caa-cuys, a Paraguayan maté of superior quality, is made from leaf buds. In a newer method, similar to the Chinese procedure for drying tea leaves, the leaves are heated in large cast-iron pans.

      In brewing maté, the dried leaves (yerba), placed in dried hollow gourds, are covered with boiling water and steeped. The gourds, called matés or culhas, are decorated, sometimes silver mounted; the vessel may even be made entirely of silver. The tea is sucked from the gourd with a bombilla, a tube about 6 inches (15 cm) long, often made of silver, with a strainer at one end to keep leaf particles from the mouth. Maté, usually served plain, is sometimes flavoured with milk, sugar, or lemon juice. When tightly covered, it retains flavour during storage.

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