
/mat'euh gal"peuh/; Sp. /mah'tah gahl"pah/, n.
a city in W central Nicaragua. 61,383.

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      city, west-central Nicaragua, situated in a highland valley 2,237 feet (682 metres) above sea level. One of the older and more picturesque cities of the nation, it contains a colonial church. It is the leading commercial and manufacturing centre of the region.

      Except for the valleys of the Río Grande de Matagalpa and its tributaries, most of the region around Matagalpa is mountainous. The surrounding region produces a substantial portion of the country's coffee, as well as corn (maize), beans, rice, other vegetables, tobacco, and fruits. Gold and silver are mined in the region, and cattle and pigs are raised. In addition, processed foodstuffs, furniture, leather goods, and clay products are manufactured in the city. Matagalpa is accessible from Sébaco, via the Pan-American Highway; secondary roads lead to the smaller towns in the region. Pop. (2005) urban area, 80,228.

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Universalium. 2010.

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