
/mahs"sah/, n.
a city in W Italy, near the Ligurian Sea: important marble industry. 65,346.

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      city, Toscana ( Tuscany) regione, north-central Italy. Massa lies in the Frigido Valley at the foot of the Apuan Alps near the Ligurian coast, just southeast of Carrara and La Spezia. Mentioned in the 9th century, it was a possession of the bishops of Luni and passed through numerous hands before falling to the Malaspina family in 1421. It became the seat of the principate (duchy from 1633) of Massa- Carrara in 1568. Notable landmarks in the city include the 15th- to 16th-century fortress, the 17th-century ducal palace, and the 15th-century cathedral. With Carrara, the city specializes in the processing and export of marble, and it also manufactures office furniture. Pop. (2006 est.) mun., 69,399.

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