- marker
/mahr"keuhr/, n.1. a person or thing that marks.2. something used as a mark or indication, as a bookmark or tombstone.3. a person who records the scores, points, etc., as in a game or contest.4. a counter used in card playing.6. Psychol. an object, as a book or topcoat left at a library table, used to establish territorial possession in a public place.7. Ling.a. an element of a construction, as a coordinating conjunction, that is not a part of either immediate constituent.b. an element that indicates the grammatical class or function of a construction.8. a small radio beacon, automatically operated, used for local navigation of vessels.9. mile-marker.10. Also called marker pen, marking pen. a pen designed for making bold, colorful, or indelible marks, as in making signs or identifying objects.11. Slang.a. a debt, esp. a gambling debt.b. a written or signed promise to pay a debt, esp. a gambling debt; a promissory note or IOU.13. CB Radio Slang. one's location while driving on a highway, as determined by the nearest milepost.[1480-90; MARK1 + -ER1]
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Universalium. 2010.