- marasmus
/meuh raz"meuhs/, n. Pathol.malnutrition occurring in infants and young children, caused by insufficient intake of calories or protein and characterized by thinness, dry skin, poor muscle development, and irritability.[1650-60; < NL < Gk marasmós a wasting away, akin to maraínein to weaken, waste away]
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a form of protein-energy malnutrition occurring chiefly among very young children in developing countries, particularly under famine conditions, in which a mother's milk supply is greatly reduced. Marasmus results from the inadequate intake of both protein and calories; persons with a similar type of protein-energy malnutrition, kwashiorkor, do not obtain enough protein but still consume a moderate number of calories. Marasmus is characterized by growth retardation (in weight more than in height) and progressive wasting of subcutaneous fat and muscle. Other symptoms may include diarrhea; dehydration; behavioral changes; dry, loose skin; and dry, brittle hair. Marasmus can be treated with a high-calorie, protein-rich diet. Severe, prolonged marasmus may result in permanent mental retardation (intellectual disability) and impaired growth.* * *
Universalium. 2010.