
/meuh pooh"toh/, n.
a seaport in and the capital of Mozambique, on Delagoa Bay. 383,775. Formerly, Lourenço Marques.

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formerly (until 1976) Lourenço Marques

Port city (pop., 1997: 989,386), capital of Mozambique.

It lies on the northern bank of Espírito Santo Estuary of Delagoa Bay, an inlet of the Indian Ocean. It derived its former name from the Portuguese trader who first explored the region in 1544. The town developed around a Portuguese fortress completed in 1787. Created a city town in 1887, it superseded Moçambique as the capital of Portuguese East Africa in 1907. Since the nation's independence in 1975, the collapse of tourism and reduced access to foreign trade have damaged the city's economy.

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formerly  (until 1976) Lourenço Marques,  
 port city and capital of Mozambique. It lies along the north bank of Espírito Santo Estuary of Delagoa Bay, an inlet of the Indian Ocean. Maputo derived its former name from the Portuguese trader who first explored the region in 1544. The town developed around a Portuguese fortress completed in 1787. Created a city town in 1887, it superseded the town of Moçambique as the capital of Portuguese East Africa in 1907.

      Maputo has a healthful climate, tempered by sea breezes. The city has a natural history museum and a university (1962). Its fine bathing beaches made it a popular resort for white South Africans and Rhodesians before Mozambique became independent in 1975; thereafter, revenues from tourism, once a major economic factor, virtually ended.

      The port, one of the most important in East Africa, before independence handled transit trade from the mines and industries of South Africa, Swaziland, and Rhodesia, with which it has rail and road connections. After the frontier with Rhodesia was closed, and as MozambiqueSouth African relations became increasingly strained, the port suffered. Local industries include brewing, shipbuilding and repair, fish canning, iron working, and the manufacture of cement, textiles, and other goods. Pop. (1989 est.) 1,069,727.

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Universalium. 2010.

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